Thursday, October 24, 2013

Here's Looking at You...

Some people try to turn back their odometers.
Not me, I want people to know why I look this way.
I've travelled a long way & some of the roads weren't paved.


When I was younger I was concerned about hanging on to every shred of youthfulness I could muster, dreading the day when I'd move slower, look older, act old...  BE OLD!!
Icky, Ugh, Phew, Yuck!!!
But despite all my efforts at financing the ageless skin care market or...
hanging onto every word from the primped, plucked and molded 40+ Barbie Dolls or...
drooling over retouched, modified and air-brushed pictures of Hollywood glamour queens...
time marched on and I still got older.  Icky, Ugh, Phew, Yuck!!!
I dreaded aging and could think of no worse fate, day, out of the blue, it occurred to me that...
Heh, there are certain advantages, rights and privileges being older permits.  Yuppers!  Getting old can be a wonderful thang!  Don't think so? about...
Other than watching one's state of health, no more worrying about your face or figure!  Yippee ki yea!  Let's face it, after "a certain age" what does it matter if your arse arrives 5 minutes later than your feet?  Or gravity has given you a decidedly hang-dog (jowls...egads!) profile.  Woof Woof
No more huffing and puffing while trying to do step aerobics, zumba or some such inane, odious activity.  Walking to the Seniors Club is sufficient exercise, yes sirree!
Then there are those distasteful people you always wanted to spit on, but felt obligated to exert self-restraint. more! Spit away!  Everyone (including the person you spit on) will just think you're going senile!

Life is dessert first!  No one will say anything, afterall you're old and...possibly dyslexic.

You can stay up reading until 4AM and just say you, "lost track of time".  Take advantage of being forgetful and hard of hearing, even if you're not.  No one will be the wiser...

You can play Barbie or army men and everyone will think you're just being grandfatherly or grandmotherly.  You know ya wanna...just don't forget to include at least one child!

Oh yes, then there are the Senior discounts, Senior days, Senior medicare...oh me, oh my...

Yuppers, growing older may not be what we'd prefer, but might as well have fun with it!

Ta Ta!


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