Friday, October 26, 2012

In Hard Times Too?

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

What is gratitude? Is it felt only when things are going well? It`s certainly easier then, but...

In hard times? When getting out of bed is difficult?


Anyone can be grateful when things are hunky dory, but God asks us to be grateful in all circumstances. This can't apply to getting older, can it?

Afterall, what is there to be grateful for? Wrinkles, sags, bags, aches, pain? Not to mention slowing down, brain fog, menopause?

Let's not forget that with each year, death hovers closer. How can one be grateful for that?

And honestly, when life is hard, it's difficult to be grateful at any age!

That's the part I couldn't understand for so long. You know, the part about being grateful even when life sucks! Well it seems, God didn't ask me to be grateful FOR the circumstances, but IN the circumstances. Ahhhh....

Should've seen that right away! But I didn't...


Some things are just so difficult that it's almost impossible to feel gratitude for or in the circumstances.

But for most of us, no matter how difficult (and I know some things can be excruciating) if we take a moment away from our circumstances; we can be grateful for much in our lifes.

Children, grandchildren (aren't they the best?), spouses, friends, health, home, food, clothing and all the basics in life. We really don't NEED much more.

I realize when our circumstances suck something of importance is likely missing or severely affected, but whether it's health, family, wealth or something else we still have much.

If we look.

But we must stop feeling sorry for ourselves and honestly "look" at the bigger picture. Most of us have had a pretty good life. Have a good life.

But...we forget.

 In the forgetting, we lose gratitude.


I appreciate & welcome all your comments. If you comment, I know you're reading. Yeah!