Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday...

In keeping with 'Mindful Mondays' I thought Thursday would be an all around good day to evaluate how I'm doing with being more mindful and present.  Well...perhaps I'd be graded a C minus.

An improvement from being absent from class, but definitely in need of follow-up and further study.  Hmmm...

I find myself distracted by too many things...

You know; things like Internet games, checking emails, Face book messages and of course, current FB statuses of my 10 thousand friends (not really...just kiddin')

Clearly I have EOD...Electronic Overuse Disease...

 Sooo...clearly I need to go on a Electronic Fast! YES! YE... yeah...nah...

Not gonna happen cos how will I be able to post my astute ponderings that everyone just can't wait to scrutinize...yeah right....

Okay, okay...except for blogging I am gonna try a 3...nah...2 day fast from the internet.  I will see if this improves my ability to be mindful...

and if it works, well...this will give me food for thought...huh huh!

Wish me well as I embark on an intentional famine (of sorts) for today and Friday. I will keep you posted...

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