Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What this Old Broad knows for Sure aka Wednesday's Wisdom

I'm starting a new weekly (I hope!) post called by the aforementioned title. What this Old Broad knows for sure...Uhmmmm...

Surely after all these years I must know one or two things for sure?? Right?

I do know for sure that nothing, nada, not-a-thing is ever, ever, no NEVER FOR SURE!!  Yes indeedy, this I know... For example...

I once thought 40 was old...

and that everyone would find their soul mate...

and crying was a sign of weakness...

and life was fair!!

I thought these things until I was...say, age 5!!  Just kiddin', I was really 8 and a half!


Another thing this Old Broad knows for sure is that no matter how many cutesy books are written, positive posters posted or aptly affirmations are uttered we still sweat the little stuff!! I do... and so do you!  Let's be honest here. We all worry when life throws us a curve ball (or a two hundred mile per hour roundhouse!).

In fact...

Many of us worry even without a reason. We worry for the sake of worry. We worry...

a.  when everything is going TOO great and wonderful because it just cannot last!
b.  when we haven't heard any bad news for awhile because it just cannot last!
c.  when nothing has happened to nobody (or anybody) that we know or know of because...


We worry... we sweat the small stuff... yes indeedy!

 Do you know how I know this for sure???

Because of all the books, posters, t-shirts, decals, etc., etc. that we buy; making someone, somewhere very rich tells me so.


One more thing...

I also, know for sure that Justin Beiber and the Kardashians are passing fads, but...

Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne are not!!  Just saying...

Toodle Loo!!


  1. LOVE this - especially the last bit!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this idea of a weekly post - maybe I will have to "borrow" the idea - that's a compliment not a tick off right???

  2. You'll break gracies heart! Justin beiber will last forever! Lol love it!


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