Thursday, September 5, 2013

Get You off Your Mind...

Me thinks I know the basic, fundamental reason why so many people these days are unhappy ...






In other words, we are our favorite subject to talk about, think about, hear about, worry about...
and do you know what the real truth is?  Most people will forget you five minutes after you've left the building.  Seriously!

You are not that important!

Far too many people today live their life as if the world was created just for them.  They feel entitled to the  "Good Life".  You know the one...

...the big house, new car, perfect job, highest salary, best vacations, model family.

And we make every effort, regardless of who may get hurt, to possess it.  Many succeed.  Yet, never have we lived in a time when relationships are more strained, divorce rates higher, families more estranged.

Is this really the "Good Life"... 

Today's culture supports us in the belief that we are numero dog...extraordinary...

Honestly???  How can that be?  How can every single person be the best?  Quit believing your own press. 

The grocery cashier who has spent 6 hours on her feet, with an aching back, could care less that you put in an extra hour glaming up for your visit to the store.  She doesn't care and never noticed that your hair is perfectly coiffed or you wore 300 dollar designer jeans.  She is just looking forward to going home and putting her feet up.  You are just one of several hundred nameless, faceless people she's ran through her till today.  Really!


Fellow motorists may notice your fancy new car as you go speeding by...or not...most likely not.  They too, are heading to work, following their dreams, thinking about themselves, believing in the "Good Life".  They really aren't interested your new car...except...unless...

they're planning to buy one themselves.  Only a much newer version...yes, indeedy.

STOP the madness!  A contented life isn't about who owns the newest, biggest, best.  It isn't about what you want or need or what everyone can do for you.  You don't have to feel special to be special.

Try thinking of others more than you do yourself.  Try putting other's needs ahead of your own.  Get your mind off yourself.  Then...and only then will you truly be a big deal in the eyes of others...and God's.


Tha...that's all folks! 

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