Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday...

Here is my take on the "News of the Moment"...

Another example of Government official's stupidity...

There is an ongoing action starting across Canada to ban all youth aka teenagers from tanning beds because of the danger of skin cancer.  Now I have never been a fan of tanning beds.  At first I just couldn't get over the fact they look like lighted coffins, my claustrophobia kicked in...but later I wondered how much safer than using the actual sun? 

There are experts in this area (whoever they are) who say these beds are ohhhh so much safer, but I dunno?  Perhaps...

Still, banning youth aka mostly teen girls won't deter them from suntanning; it'll just drive them to use the natural sun.  Vanity, thy name is a teenage girl!

So, is this any safer?  Does banning tanning beds really accomplish diddly-squat?  I don' tink so...
Oh, my shattered nerves!  Apparently, West Jet is implementing a one bag (not including diaper bags) carry on per passenger.  OMGoodness!  What a fuss this has created!
So, exactly how much stuff does one really need on an airplane?  Are you planning to spend your vacation on the plane?  Come on guys, there's only so much room in the metal tube!
Guess what?  Scientists have just discovered what mothers from bygone years have always known!  It seems they've learned that by introducing allergy producing foods (i.e. peanut butter, eggs) to your baby at around 6 months of age, that the likelihood of your child developing lifelong food allergies/sensitivities is hugely diminished.  Dah!  Coulda just asked Grandma...
Ohhh crap!  Literally!
It seems that fecal matter was discovered on those popular bagged salads that are soooo convenient to buy.  The best guess for the source of contamination is infected ground water that is used on the growing greens...

Hmmm...perhaps I might consider buying my leafy greens separately and going through the effort of triple washing myself!

And now that you are so much more informed, go have an excellent Thursday...
That's it...that's all!

1 comment:

  1. Super good point about the tanning beds.... the girls lay out all day, every day in the summer - they are happy when they burn so that it will one day be a beautiful tan... dumb.... with or without tanning beds!


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