Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dc. Oz, A Quack...

I've mulled this over for awhile and I finally decided that I just have to go there...

Whadja think?  Is Dc. Oz a quack or what?  I think before Oprah and her flunkies got hold of him and filled him with visions of starlight and rainbows, he was probably a fairly regular cardiac surgeon doing all he could to save life's.  But now...

Well, I think it's all about TV ratings and buckeroos, moola, coin, loot...

The show constantly focuses on women's issues which I get that the largest viewing audience would be us ladies, but must it focus sooooo much on losing weight and diet?  And what about all the info on supplements plus, consuming this or that or the other thing that are ALL critical to our good health?  STOP THE MADNESS!!

I'd have to sell my first and second born in order to bankroll all the extras it will take to be healthy and live longer not to mention, take four hours daily just swallowing all the vitamins!  Okay, okay!  I know I'm being facetious, but honestly, Dc. Oz needs to cut down on these type of shows.  I getting totally confusticated!!!

And are women only focused on being thin?  Well, maybe...  That would be a whole another blog...

To be fair, he does have intermittent shows dealing with other issues and maybe, I'm just unlucky enough to always tune into the diet shows (Heh, maybe it's a hint from beyond? Uhmmm....).  

And I do remember at one time rather enjoying Dc. Oz, but lately well...  Maybe it's just me or maybe I'm slow, but who could plow through the maze of information?  Not I, that's for sure...

How many supplements can one person take?  How can you even begin to figure out what you should take for your health?  What diet would be best or healthiest?  What exercise routine would be most effective? 

I live in the real world with real time, money and resource constraints.  I simply can't begin to sort it all out so, I just don't try anymore.  I'm not a TV exec so, I don't know all the ins and outs of keeping a show in the high ratings, but surely something could be done??  Or maybe...

The Dc. Oz Show is running out of gas and it's time to park it...

I'd love to know my reader's take on this topic.  Let me know if you can relate to me or if you think I'm completely wacky...  I can take it...


Toodle Loo!

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