Friday, May 31, 2013

Got myself an iPhone 4...

Well I've joined the ranks of iPhone users.  A little behind the times, but...

I had no particular need to upgrade for the longest time because I haven't been working, wasn't driving much and didn't feel the need to keep up.  But these days I'm on the move a little bit more so, here I am feelin' all cool and hip owning an iPhone 4!  Huh uh...

Because I own an iPad, I chose an iPhone and as Miss J suggested, "There is less of a learning curve." so, it made sense.  There is definitely less of a "learning curve" but, trust me when I say, the smaller, more compact size is not for us "oldsters". 

It appears my fingers are just a tiny bit clumsy and the eyesight a wee bit faded so...well...

my texting can be just a minuscule off the mark.  In my attempts to hit the right keys my clumsy, fat fingers feel guided to hit the letter beside, above, below the correct one.  So, "Hi" becomes Ho or No or Go or "For Pete's sake!!"

I also, discovered my clumsy, fat fingers want to hit send whenever I mean to hit backspace soooo...

just about any idiotic thing could be sent down the pike to be forever memorialized as "that hilarious, nonsensical text" from Ma!  Added bonus...

The iPhone has turned me into a first rate comedian!!  Who knew??

Still, all in all it's kinda neat to surf the net so flawlessly.  My old phone (from 19-aught-3) attempted to surf the web but, after at least a five minute wait trying to load anything, it was utterly discouraging and (in my mind) useless.  I could look things up faster by going to the library!

I still need to explore my new phone further, but I'd say...

I'm really going to employ it! 

I mean enjoy it!  ( maybe I should check out if iPhone 4 has voice text!)


Toodle Loo! 

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