Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gardening with Granny...

My two youngest grandchildren have hit an age where they can help this ol' Granny plant a garden.  Well...they are only four and five so, maybe not quite big enough, but what the heck...I can use any help I get!

I haven't been able to garden for awhile due to a back injury, but since having surgery last summer, I feel like getting my hands dirty and my spirit refreshed.  What better way than gardening with two little munchkins? 

I have 911 on speed dial just in case I get stuck planting carrots or somethin'... Huh huh!

Hubby prepared a small garden area for us so, before we tackle this project, I'm in planning mode.  Ahhh yes, I do remember step one, plan before you plant.  Well, maybe step one would really be preparing the ground, but since I didn't do this part...well...

Step one; plan before you plant!  I bought a loverly assortment of seeds such as carrots, lettuce, green onions, etc.  There was a moment where I wished there were seeds for candy bars; you know, for the kids and all...  Just sayin'...

I have strategized, organised, schemed and dreamed of the most beautiful garden ever, imagining a bountiful harvest of fresh veggies and fall harvest.  Yes, indeedy!

  The I remembered who my little helpers will be??

 Whatja think?  Perhaps, the garden will look more like this...

Just sayin'...


everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help.
Gardening is an instrument of grace.
May Sarton

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