Monday, February 4, 2013

Mindful Monday's...

Took an opportunity last week to go on an eletronic fast and...

it didn't go so well.

I was able to resist Facebook for the most part and even ignore my emails, but I found myself thinking about it. I wondered if I was missing anything, which of course, I wasn't. Not really, but it sure illustrated how addicted we've become to technology.

It's the way of the world... At least, our part of the world.  The key is to find some balance in using our computers, Ipads, smart phones, Ipods, etc.

I did actually pick up a book during this fast, which is a good sign.  Reading has always been a pleasure of mine.

 I've resisted using the electronic books so far, but I know they'll likely replace paper books one day. Save a tree and all that jazz!

 Losing paper books will be a sad day...but, I digress...

This fast showed me that electronics are part of our life's (for better or worse) and staying mindful can't realistically exclude them.  Being present and making mindful choices must be a conscious effort; one we work on all day, every day.

There was a time when staying mindful seemed easier.  Time didn't fly by so rapidly, it was easier to stay focused and we were less rushed.

 I don't believe we were less busy or involved.  In fact, in bygone eras people likely had more to do every day like...

- wood chopping,
- hauling water,
- doing laundry by hand,
- cooking on wood stoves,
- growing huge gardens.
- canning food,
- etc., etc...

I'd say we've just gotten too busy with being busy (but that's subject for another post). 

Looking around...
Taking a moment to be grateful...

These are first steps in being more mindful.  I've learned from this experience that it really isn't what we do or what consumes our time that causes us to walk through life in a fog.  No, it's our attitude toward each day.

Am I humble enough to be grateful?  Gratitude is the instant way to be more mindful...

Take a moment and think about it.


Ta Ta!


  1. I so dislike the thought of no paper books. I really dislike the digital kind......

  2. Great post! This is exactly where my thoughts have been lately, "I am so busy" I catch my self thinking quite often. And then I stop and have to ask, so busy doing what?

    My mind is drifitng this morning to yesterdays sermon at Church. The Pastor was speaking of keeping things simple. I keep thinking of this. Am I making myself "so busy" because I am making things more complicated than they need to be?

    Am I too busy to take those moments to be grateful? I most certainly should not be and am not too busy for this! Thanks for reinforment, I needed to read this post today!

  3. Love this Ma - I'm often thinking of these exact same thoughts!!!


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