Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What this Old Broad knows for Sure aka Wednesday's Wisdom...

What I know for sure is sometimes my head hurts like HE...double hockey sticks and...

my mind can be just too, too busy!  Yuppers, that would be me some days.

So, what to do, what to do?  Suffer? Egads!  Tell me no!  So, how does one shut off an overly busy mind and have some peace?  I've tried meditating and although relaxing, I just couldn't get the hang of it.  Possibly because my left brain kicks in and I start analyzing the in and outs of meditating; whether there is any real credence to it or what would happen if I actually did completely let go?

Would my mind travel to another dimension...or get lost and never return? (which some say may have already happened!)

There are a myriad ways whose chief claim to fame is to relax us. Things like deep breathing, yoga, massage, Tai Chi or reading uplifting books. All these methods have merit and I already do some of them, but they are only effective insofar as my busy brain lets them.

Wouldn't it have been nice if God had designed us with an on/off switch. In fact, wouldn't it be nice to have a snooze, refresh, hibernate and yes...even a mute switch.

Imagine if this were a reality!  You're in the middle of a stressful situation and you hit snooze...

You're sooo weary, but have tons of things left to do so, you hit refresh...

You're talking too much and can't seem to quit so, on goes mute...

Or, best of all, if you've had enough of the demands of work, family, etc. so, you go into hibernate...

Ahhh yes...I know for sure switches would make life so much simpler, but alas, it's not to be...So, excuse me for now, while I go!

After awhile crocodile...

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